Loan Periods and Renewals |
- UB Law materials loaned to UBalt/USMAI students and UBalt Law adjunct faculty have a loan period until the end of the current semester. There's no limit on the number of renewals for these borrowers.
- Alumni may borrow UB Law items for 21 days and are allowed to renew them three times, providing a total of four loan periods.
- Faculty loans have specific due dates, which are May 1 and December 1.
Renewal Options: |
- All borrowers have the convenience of renewing items through the online catalog, by phone, or in person at the Service/Circulation Desk.
Material Recalls: |
- Circulating materials may be subject to recall if requested by another patron.
- If material is recalled, borrowers must return it within 14 days of the notification date.
- Failure to return a recalled item by the due date will result in fines from the recall due date.